
The Management and all staff who work at Ralegh are committed to taking care of the Environment and preventing pollution.

Activities undertaken by Ralegh are done so mindful of minimising waste, promoting recycling, reducing energy consumption, reducing harmful emissions and where possible working with suppliers who also have good Environmental policies. All activities are carried out to comply with the relevant environmental legislation and other requirements, and also comply with the policy of our parent company DS Smith Plc.

An essential part of the Management system is a commitment to continually improve Environmental performance. This is achieved by setting annual improvement objectives and targets which are regularly monitored and reviewed. These objectives and targets are publicised throughout our organisation and all our staff are committed to their achievement.

Ralegh maintains a good and compatible understanding with neighbours within the community where it operates.

The identification, assessment and control of environmental risks is a management responsibility and of equal importance to productivity, quality and health and safety. Ralegh believes in the involvement and co-operative efforts of everyone in the organisation so as to achieve continuous improvement in all aspects of the company’s performance.

Ralegh communicates this policy to all its full time employees, temporary employees, customers and contractors as well as other interested third parties. This is usually undertaken by means of the company website, email or internal documentation.

This environmental policy forms an integral part of our corporate strategy along and it is the responsibility of every employee to observe this policy, to help, protect and preserve the environment. In order to achieve our commitments, Ralegh has implemented, documented and maintains a management system which satisfies the requirements of BS EN ISO 14001.                                   


DS Smith RALEGH recognises that its employees are a key resource and is committed to their wellbeing by protecting them against ill health and accidents caused by work activities. This will be achieved through compliance with relevant Health & Safety legislation and guidance, the effective management of risks and by promoting a positive attitude in the organisation towards health & safety standards.

DS Smith RALEGH is equally committed to the safety of other persons, such as visitors, contractors, customers, our products and the protection of the environment.

The protection of both human and fixed assets against accident, deliberate damage, theft or fire will also contribute to the long-term prosperity of the company.

The identification, assessment and control of health, safety and other risks is a management responsibility and of equal importance to productivity and quality. RALEGH believes in the involvement and co-operative effort of everybody in the organisation so as to achieve continuous improvement in all aspects of Company performance.

Accidents and ill health are preventable and this is our long-term goal. The detailed organisation and arrangements to achieve this are set out in the RALEGH health and safety policy.

The legal, operational and financial responsibility for integrated health and safety management rests with the managing director. All directors and managers are responsible for the implementation, execution and control of the above detailed arrangements and standards in their area of authority.



 It is our objective at Ralegh Ltd to provide customers with goods and services which meet the high standards of Quality and Reliability, which is essential to the requirements of our customers. In addition to being recognised as the benchmark within our industry. This will be achieved by meeting and exceeding our customer requirements. We employ a skilled and customer focused workforce and invests in new developments

To achieve this objective we have established and maintain an effective system that shall exist throughout our organisation and comply with the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2008.The Managing Director, Management and all staff are committed to ensuring that the QMS remains effective in achieving quality and satisfying customers now and inthe future.

Ralegh Ltd will continually improve its processes, systems and products by setting quality objectives that are measurable and achievable and these objectives will be regularly reviewed. The quality objectives will be established as part of the Management Review process and will support our efforts to continually improve our quality management system.

All employees are made aware of the Company’s Quality Policy and its importance by means of induction processes and ongoing training programmes. The Managing Director and Managers will regularly review the Quality Policy to ensure it remains suitable for our organisation. The quality functions will remain to be adequately staffed and the relevant personnel will have the authority to carry out their responsibilities.


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Ralegh Integrated Solutions

Aries House

Manby Park


LN11 8UT

01507 327040



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© Ralegh Integrated Solutions
Created by Dan Brocklebank